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Conductive Education for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy and Order Form (只有英文版本)


The practice of Conductive Education, successfully developed in the Peto Institute, Budapest, is undertheorized. Conductive Education for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: Enquiry into Theory and Practice investigates its theoretical underpinnings and seeks, in a way not so far attempted, to relate a theoretical discourse with experience of the condition and with the actualities of educational-therapeutic practice.
The detailed description and justification of practical application and methodologies aims to raise awareness of the necessary unity of theory and practice. It will, therefore, appeal to students, teachers and therapists, as well as parents, psychologists, doctors and anyone interested in the use of Vygotskian and Lurian educational theory and in Goldstein's holistic neurology within rehabilitation. The book contains over a hundred photographs, many drawings, a glossary and an extensive index.

ANITA TATLOW trained as a physiotherapist in Germany and Sweden, and first worked with cerebral palsied children in the University of W郑rzburg’s orthopaedic hospital. Accompanying her husband to Hong Kong, she then worked in the John F. Kennedy Centre (a special school for physically handicapped children) for twenty years. She was Coordinator of the Conductive Education Pilot Project of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which ran from 1989-92. From 1990-92 she was Course Coordinator and Chief Lecturer for the two Certificate Courses in Conductive Education at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Professional and Continuing Education. She was made Honorary Conductor by the Peto Institute, Budapest, in 1999. She has published many articles, been invited speaker at numerous conferences on four continents, and has visited fourteen countries to lecture or advise on Conductive Education. She edited the pioneering Hong Kong Conductive Education Source Book (1993).
