News in Past
Promote zero carbon living by beautiful calligraphy
In March this year, Ms NG Kit Yee, a service user of Woche Workshop, participated in a Chinese calligraphy competition "邁向零碳未來 - 全港原子筆中文書法比賽"(Chinese only) which was held by Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Services Centre. Ms NG won the first runner-up in the "展能組"(Chinese Only)among the other 6 groups in this competition. This competition not only competed in calligraphy, but also promoted the concept of environmental protection. The articles copied in the competition are all related to zero-carbon living, including "你的碳足跡"(Chinese only)and "《「碳中和」七大迷思︰你中了幾個》"(Chinese only). The article copied by Ms NG mentioned that:If everyone in the world lived a same living habits to that of Hong Kong people, 4.2 Earths are needed to meet the demand for natural resources.
Ms NG, a service user of Woche Workshop, won the first runner-up in the calligraphy competition.
The content of each contestant's work is related to zero-carbon living, thereby promoting environmental protection message.