SAHK 香港耀能協會

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Index > About Us > Welcoming Speech from the Chairperson

Welcoming Speech from the Chairperson

On behalf of the Association, I would like to welcome you to our website.

Originated in 1963, our Association has been serving Hong Kong for over a half century. We are dedicated to provide a wide range of rehabilitation service for infants, children, adolescents, adults and elderly in order to realise their full potential and assist them to integrate into the society, and take charge of their own lives. With the staunch support from the community and the concerted effort of staff members, the Association has now expanded to 84 service units and serving over 29,000 families per annum.

The Association’s Fifth Strategic Plan for the next five years has begun. During planning, we kept in mind the Association’s exemplary traditions and core values with respect to the changing needs of the community. We embraced challenges, and made the most of opportunities. The Fifth Strategic Plan would focus on 5 areas, namely: 1. Brand Building; 2. Service Consolidation & Enhancement; 3. Service Innovation & Development; 4. Users Partnership; and 5. Staff Development, Retention & Succession. With the solid foundation of the Association and the hard work of everyone, I believed that we can face the future challenge positively and continue to build a fulfilling and bright future for the persons with disabilities.

Mrs. Josephine M. W. Tsui Pang


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