SAHK 香港耀能協會

Adult Service
Index > Service Areas > Service Areas > Adult Service

Adult Service


The adult service comprises 4 main areas including residential and training service, employment and integrated rehabilitation service, and support service for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A total of 17 hostels, 2 day training centes for severely mentally handicapped, 6 sheltered workshops and 1 integrated vocational rehabilitation centre for physically handicapped persons aged 15 and above. A total of 785 residential places and 1,196 daily training places are provided.

The residential service besides offering residential care and comprehensive rehabilitation training, also encourages the development of personal interest, promote social integration, encourages leisure activities. We also actively liaise with local communities and government departments so as to participate in socially integrated activities. By living harmoniously in the neighbourhood, it will help society to understand more about the disabled, thereby accepting and accelerating the integration of our service users into the community.

The day training centres offer training in daily living skills and simple work skills. Sheltered workshops and integrated vocational rehabilitation centres will involve the service users to participate in production through specially adapted working environments and training. This will help to develop a sense of work, habits and skills, so that it will increase their self worth and assist those with potentials for open employment. In addition, there is also a counseling service, small social and recreation groups etc, to elicit the inner potential of service users for an all rounded development for integration into the society.

The support service for persons with ASD provides comprehensive support services for the mentally handicapped with ASD, young people and adults with High Functioning ASD.

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