SAHK 香港耀能協會

Children and Family Support Service
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Children and Family Support Service


Pre-school services aim to meet the individual learning needs and development of children, including autism, specific learning difficulties, developmental delay, physical handicap etc., aged from 0 to 6 years old by providing them with training and assistance.

There are a total of 6 integrated service centres, 3 early education and training centres and 1 district-based speech therapy team. 5 of the special child centres also offer early education and training services and 2 offer residential service for families with special needs.

The units provide integrated programmes through interesting educational and therapeutic activities, so as to elicit the potentials of the children and facilitate the development of their multiple intelligence. Each child will be given a tailor-made educational plan which emphasizes the incorporation of learning with day to day living. This will form a solid foundation for the child to continue to grow and integrate into the society.

We welcome the involvement of the parents and open up channels for communication, so that through the partnership and mutual assistance, the child can move a step closer to holistic development.

Throughout the years, the Pre-school Service team dedicated itself towards conducting research and developing educational resources for children with autism. We liaise with tertiary institutes to conduct educational research, and also publish books and teaching materials so that the theory and practice can complement each other. The units apply various training strategies flexibly, including Visual Strategies, Interaction Time and Theory of Mind etc. in the training programmes and receive encouraging results.

We regularly organize certificate courses, seminars and workshops etc. so as to enhance the quality of the professionals, and share with other professionals knowledge and experience.

Each year, the Association publishes 2 issues of Pre-school Service Newsletter to provide update news of our Service as well as introduce the latest information concerning pre-school education and training. This forms a platform for us to exchange views with other professionals, parents and the community. For details please visit Pre-school Service Newsletter:


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