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The Association’s Children and Family Support Service Publishes Young Children Home Training Book Series
To support parents in understanding the developmental progress of young children across various domains and to provide training suggestions, the Association’s Children and Family Support Service has launched the book series titled ‘幼兒發展範疇訓練系列︰家居訓練智多Fun’(Chinese only).
The first book,’精細動作篇’ (Chinese only) is compiled by the Association's occupational therapists. It is structured around key training goals in the fine motor skills domain and features over 100 practical and engaging activities. These activities encourage young children to explore the world by hand while enhancing their skills, such as writing, crafting, manipulating toys, and using stationery and everyday tools. This early intervention aims to lay a solid foundation for developing children's hand muscles, fostering greater independence and confidence in their daily lives.
Interested individuals can purchase the book via the Association’s website or visit the Shek Wai Kok Parents Resource Centre and the SAHK Child Development Centre (Lok Fu) for in-person purchases. For more information, please visit:

Association’s Children and Family Support Service Publishes Pre-schoolers Home Training Book Series.

The first book is structured around key training goals in the fine motor skills domain.

The book features over 100 practical and engaging activities that enhance young children’s various skills.