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The Association’s Newsletter vol.29 published

The Association is dedicated to promoting sports culture. In its Newsletter vol.29, we have invited Ms YAM Kwok-fan and Ms KWOK Hoi Ying, both the alumna of the Association and Hong Kong Elite Athletes, to have a conversation with the Association’s young athletes. They shared their experiences and insights into the world of sports. In addition, the Association was honored to interview Ms Jenny K. H. MA FUNG, the President of China Hong Kong Paralympic Committee to introduce the development of sports for people with disabilities in Hong Kong. In our "Showcase Your Talent" section, it relived the Adult Service's large-scale event "一手一腳藝術展”(Chinese only) which took place last year; and "Special Mission" introduced the Association's new service "Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project".

Download the digital version (Chinese content only) here:

This issue of the Newsletter is themed on sports, hoping to let readers to understand the Association’s efforts and achievements in promoting sports culture.

This issue of the Newsletter is themed on sports, hoping to let readers to understand the Association’s efforts and achievements in promoting sports culture.

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