SAHK 香港耀能協會

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Press Release


Association as Beneficiary Organisation of CLP Power’s “Power Your Love” Programme

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power) runs "Power Your Love” Programme by combining energy saving with a mission to help the less fortunate in society which enabling the participants to save energy while helping the needy. In return for every unit of electricity saved by registered residential customers of CLP Power, one unit of electricity will be donated to people and organisations in need in the society.

The Association is honourably to be one of the beneficiary organisations in 2016 so that more service users could be benefited. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the support of CLP Power, and hope various sectors actively participate in the programme to spread the spirit of love and care.

 mr. eddie k. t. suen (middle), deputy chief executive officer of the association, attended the launch ceremony of
Mr. Eddie K. T. Suen (middle), Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Association, attended the launch ceremony of "Power Your Love” on 9 May, and took a photo with Mr. Paul Poon (left), Managing Director of CLP Power, and Ms Quince W. Y. Chong (right), Chief Corporate Development Officer of CLP Power.

 Group photo of the beneficiary organisations and representatives of CLP Power.
Group photo of the beneficiary organisations and representatives of CLP Power.

 Certificate of Appreciation was presented to the Association by CLP Power.
Certificate of Appreciation was presented to the Association by CLP Power.

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