SAHK 香港耀能協會

Work in Mainland, Taiwan and Macau
Index > Service Areas > Service Areas > Work in Mainland, Taiwan and Macau > Brief Introduction

Work in Mainland, Taiwan and Macau

Brief Introduction of works in Mainland, Taiwan and Macau

In the early 90’s, the Association’s Jockey Club Marion Fang Conductive Learning Centre (Teaching Unit) worked jointly with World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation, to promote Conductive Education(CE) Mainland China. Basic courses on CE were organized, professional outreach consultation were given, and rehabilitation personnel were also arranged for training in Hong Kong. Later such approach was also expanded to Macau and Taiwan. Recently, in order to meet requests from agencies, we also expand the service to include training to support rehabilitation personnel who works children with autism spectrum

Scope of Service

It is operated on a self-financed mode to provide training for rehabilitation personnel in Mainland, Taiwan and Macau. The service will include CE, rehabilitation and training methods for persons with cerebral palsy and autism spectrum; Community rehabilitation, assistive device, counseling and support service to the disabled persons and their families.

Training Methods

  • To organize different basic and advanced courses in Hong Kong and on-site, so as to train up the frontline and professional rehabilitation agencies;
  • To provide outreach professional consultation service
  • Arrange rehabilitation personnel to Hong Kong for clinical attachment

Special Professional Team for Training

Our Association has a team of experienced professional staff who are responsible for organizing, coordinating and providing training. The team includes physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, special child care worker, social worker etc.

Enquiry and Contact:

All matters related to CE, training for persons cerebral palsy, please contact Ms Sandy Ng.

Tel : (852)-2336 2011
Fax : (852)-2337 9580
Email :



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